Speak Up! - View Question #501

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Question: Is selling ecstasy attempted murder?

Answer: No. Selling ecstasy is a crime under chapter 13 of the criminal code in Arizona. The crime of attempted murder is covered by ARS 13-1104 & 12-1001. Selling a person ecstasy would only constitute the crime of attempted murder if the seller tried to get the victim to overdose on the drug, knowing that selling the victim that drug would result in his/her death.

6 thru 9 of 9 comments
On 08/26/02
Amanda from AZ said:
I think it should be attempted murder because taking ecstacy is dangerous, as with any drug. If you can die from using ecstacy, and the person selling probably knows that, then he should be charged with attemptedd murder.
On 06/17/02
Rich from AL said:
WHY WOULD SOMEONE WANT TO ASSOCIATE WITH THINGS IN LIFE RELATED TO INSANITY? ANY INSANITY!!!!!!! Are drugs a positive contribution in life? Drugs in this nature are 100% selfish (or fun) in life, yet it is a very real paradox!!!!!!!! A real paradox if harm materializes why not instead consider utilizing those strengths in something that really is positive in life than a paradox that leads nowhere!
On 11/27/01
Big D from IL said:
If a person knows that they are taking another drug or medicine that would cause death if mixed with X then that person can be convicted of murder if they sell the drug to the other person.
On 11/19/01
sean from PA said:
thats not just though. you cannot Make a person overdose. that is their own choice as to how many they take. You sell and then you should be out of the equation.
6 thru 9 of 9 comments

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