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Question: Are sniffing whiteout and magic markers illegal?

Answer: Inhaling toxic vapors is commonly referred to as 'Huffing' and it is against the law in Arizona.

It is against the law to knowingly breathe, inhale, or drink a vapor-releasing toxic substance. Common things that fit this definition are glue, spray paint, gasoline, etc.

There are also regulations regarding the sale of inhalants. Using or selling these substances is regarded as a class 5 felony or a class 1 misdemeanor depending on the seriousness of the offense. (ARS 13-3403).

Also see more information on this topic under substances in the LawForKids.org Laws section.

26 thru 30 of 84 comments
On 08/13/05
too embarassing to say from ID said:
I got addicted to permanent markers without even trying. It just happened. Now I am addicted to inhaling alcohol as well. It's embarassing and I want to stop but don't know how. Any suggestions?
On 05/23/05
KC from TX said:
hey, u really need to get off of that stuff, i have a friend that just died from it and if you are afraid to tell any one what do u think is more important ( dying or getting some help from people who care)? i really wanna let you know that it is so bad for you and even if you dont die there is alot of long term conciquences. PLZZZ.. STOP
On 04/14/05
Somebody from Othr said:
Okay well first off, sniffing whiteout is bad for you and also the other thing is i did it once but it really didnt do much and i felt so sick afterwards. especially how many ppl tho are saying that its nto that bad, obviously it is. if you read the back of the container or w/e it says that you may die or w/e like honestly i would not consider doing it even if you get high. YOU DONT HAVE TO BE HIGH TO HAVE A GOOD LIFE. well i just think that if anyone is thinking about it htat they shouldnt. i found that it wasnt addicting but thats my opionion. i dont even think someone will endupreadingthis.
On 06/09/04
kt from CA said:
theres no point in sniffing white-out gas or even markers.ppl no it can only lead 2 brain damage,on the verge of dying,problems in ur lungs,n get u high making u do crazy things.i was in 7th when i first sniffed white-out.i realized it was stupid n i wasnt addicted cuz i was smart enough 2 say no n quit.ppl around the world r sniffing sumthing everyday but theres no point.if u dont like the way ur life is headed talk 2 sum1.if ur in a situation where ur friend is doing sumthing,of course,tell an adult.i got a headache n i almost passed out.i got off easy.when in doubt...think!!!W.W.J.D.
On 05/29/04
Monster from MD said:
I think my friend is sniffing markers. She has empty marker in her teddy bear in her room. Does this mean she is sniffing? Do you take out the marker part and just have the marker container? It seems weirod... no marker inside. Explain? gotta help my friend.
26 thru 30 of 84 comments

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