Speak Up! - View Question #503

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Question: Are sniffing whiteout and magic markers illegal?

Answer: Inhaling toxic vapors is commonly referred to as 'Huffing' and it is against the law in Arizona.

It is against the law to knowingly breathe, inhale, or drink a vapor-releasing toxic substance. Common things that fit this definition are glue, spray paint, gasoline, etc.

There are also regulations regarding the sale of inhalants. Using or selling these substances is regarded as a class 5 felony or a class 1 misdemeanor depending on the seriousness of the offense. (ARS 13-3403).

Also see more information on this topic under substances in the LawForKids.org Laws section.

36 thru 40 of 84 comments
On 03/15/04
sammy from IA said:
well I found some white out and sniffed it and Im fine but everyone is mad at me and I cant think straight and I want to know whats wrong with me.I mean that I have sharp pains at night and brain problems and lung problems and I want to know. Am I diying?
On 03/11/04
John from WA said:
The problem with your friend is not the markers or the glue, they are just “Quick Fixes” for an underlying issue. The fact that she feels the need to do these things indicates that there is some underlying cognitive or psychiatric issue that needs to be addressed. As her friend you must understand that just telling her not to do those things is not enough. She needs to be seen by someone that can help with her underlying issues so, that she will not continue to cover them up by altering her consciousness.
On 03/11/04
John from WA said:
You need to ask yourself WHY you want to sniff permanent markers.
On 03/08/04
shawn from RI said:
yah gasoline is a bad thing to snif because i was addicted to it for about 4 1/2 months. Usually i would sniff it in my gararge so no one see me doing it.I started off slow but it just got out of hand. Sometimes i would do it 3 times a day and a affects were pretty crazy. When i was high it felt like i was in my own place with special powers like a cartoon well after i saw myself changing i looked in the mirror and i looked stoned. I didn't even look like me it was like i was looking at someone else.The family caught me and i tryed to deny but they knew.I took 1 week but i quit for the better
On 03/03/04
derrrk from MA said:
today i was at work and i was bored...soo i decided to sniff some white out, i got high for a secong then starting shaking my heart was going crazy...it was the scariest thing!! then it went away then 3 minutes after that it felt like i was gonna die..like something grabbing my soul and ripping it out...i came hhome from work and read about it and found out it was my heart, def dont sniff white out!!
36 thru 40 of 84 comments

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