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Question: What is Marijuana?

Answer: The term 'marijuana' refers to the leaves and flowering tops of the cannabis plant. Marijuana is a tobaccolike substance produced by drying the leaves and flowering tops of the cannabis plant. Marijuana contains a natural chemical called THC (delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol) which gives users of the drug a 'high' when smoked. Marijuana leaves are usually smoked in the form of loosely rolled cigarettes called joints or cigars called blunts.

A number of other drugs including phencyclidine (PCP) may be used in making joints and blunts, substantially altering their effects and deadliness. Some common names for marijuana include pot, grass, weed, mary jane, acupulco gold, and reefer.

Marijuana users experience the same health problems as tobacco smokers, such as bronchitis, emphysema, and bronchial asthma. Some of the effects of marijuana use also include increased heart rate, dryness of the mouth, reddening of the eyes, impaired motor skills and concentration, and frequent hunger. Extended use increases risk to the lungs and reproductive system, as well as suppression of the immune system. Occasionally, hallucinations, fantasies, and paranoia are reported.

(Source: U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration information page about Marijuana http://www.usdoj.gov/dea/concern/marijuana.htm)

26 thru 30 of 98 comments
On 03/13/08
Keanna from WI said:
Marijuana is really bad for kids to 12-19 I dont think no one should be smoking it at all..Except people who desperatly need it....Marijuana is really bad just because other poeple are doing it doesnt mean you should start...try and stay cool!!!
On 01/09/08
aleish from Othr said:
marijuana is very wrong for kids from 12 to 19 years of age to be doing marijuana, because for one it can be dangerous for anybody to be doing this kind of drug expsecailly it can kill you from the in side of your body and everybody thinks it is cool it may at first but in the end you will find out how bad it is after a couple of days or even in a couple of minuts your body will be saying i need more marijuana in my body to keep me alive but after all some people are doing it so they can show off toother kids and say that it's not going to kill you it will increase your muscles not TRUE
On 12/25/07
Tara from AZ said:
Marijuana is no worse than alcohol, and that's legal. Marijuana doesn't leave you addicted. Marijuana doesn't make you wake up in your own vomit.
On 12/18/07
tayyyy from AL said:
On 09/09/07
hayley from Othr said:
i dont like marjuana because it is bad for your health. good by now
26 thru 30 of 98 comments

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