Speak Up! - View Question #518

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Question: If convicted of a drug related felony, what rights would be lost?

Answer: Felony conviction typically results in the loss of such civil rights as the right to vote, the right to hold a public office and the right to possess a firearm. Additionally, our right to travel, freely associate with others or engage in various types of business may be restricted by conviction for a felony crime. While some of these rights may be restored by the Courts after completion of punishment for the crime, some may become permanently lost.

Also, while not exactly civil rights in the true sense of the word, other effects of a felony conviction often include reduced employment availability and credit and housing restrictions, since many employers, lenders and landlords will not accept applicants who have felony convictions on their record.

21 thru 25 of 38 comments
On 05/10/06
Mark from SD said:
I was convicted of a felony years ago, everyone treats me like I have a disease. I am human, I paid my dues and I work hard and honest. To hypocrites in society who make the laws and still break laws who live without the pains as we do I say, We are not animals, we are not, sub humans, we are good people. Everyone makes a mistake, but time does not heal all wounds, and the wounds given by the government upon people who are good is against all that this government stands for. I paid my dues, have they?
On 03/19/06
a from IL said:
i was charged for distributing crack cocane in 92, and one thing that i've learned is that this is a political world. since then i've worked for the public school systems. i've gotten a degree and i told myself if i couldnt make-it i will with no doubt at all be back on the streets
On 03/02/06
Jarrod from AR said:
I was convicted of a felony for weed possession with intent. I have paid my fines off and satisfied my conditions on probation. I have a Master's Degree and a Bachelor's Degree and still I can not get a job b/c of a crime I committed while I was in college. I think the law has to be changed so people who has made a mistake in life can have a second chance. How are we supposed to make a living for ourselves when no one will give us a job. I guess they want us to go back to committing crimes in order to survive. By any means necessary. Please someone help us!!! Only GOD should judge us!!!
On 02/08/06
volisa from SC said:
why a ex felony can"t get housing help if they don"t have a place to go to stay out of trouble if they current on probation also once you been convicted of a drug charge back in 1997 why shouldn"t you recieve food stamps benefits any longer how is you supposed to eat you can"t always depend on your family so it"s like a won lose are draw situtation when you are trying to better your life when you cant even get no type of help from the government why is so hard for them to forgive if god forgives you of your wrong doing everyone makes mistake just that everyone havent gotten caught they mistake
On 02/04/06
Sarah from TN said:
When you have a felony, you become a non-person, basically. With a felony, you can not work at a job that provides enough income to survive. You can not vote. You can not make money and you work so many hours, there is no time left. Therefore, without time and money, you can not get ahead. You are lucky if you have a family and can keep them. Lives are destroyed by this and it's outrageous. I don't know what else to say.
21 thru 25 of 38 comments

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