Speak Up! - View Question #526

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Question: If a friend has pot and you are with him, can you be charged with possession of marijuana?

Answer: Anytime you are in the presence of someone performing an illegal act, like possession or use of marijuana, you face the possibility of being charged with the same illegal act. In Arizona, as in most states, criminal liability can be based on the conduct of another person. This is referred to generally as accomplice liability, and requires that the accomplice either aid, abet, encourage, or provide the opportunity for the other person to commit the crime.

16 thru 20 of 30 comments
On 07/30/03
Kristina from AZ said:
I just moved here from Alaska and Marijuanna is close to being legal there again....Believe it or not Ciggarettes are way more harmful than this stuff...Im not saying its right to have it in your possesion, but know what you are talking about before you post your oppinion...
On 04/28/03
amber from KY said:
Marijuana use does not affect a person's IQ. There is not a single study that has shown that it does. Know the facts before stating your opinion as truth.
On 04/28/03
amber from KY said:
I started smoking a pack of cigarettes a day when I was 15 years old. Like you, my parents thought that this was an okay thing to do. Eight years later, after many failed attempts to quit, I wish to God that someone would have stopped me from developing such a sick habit at such a young age. Now that I am older, I am no longer suceptible to the lures of tobacco as the "cool" thing to do. I see smoking for what it is - a dirty, disgusting addiction. When I was a kid, I didn't care about developing a habit. It was like, well, I can quit later. It's not that easy. When you are older, you see thin
On 04/23/03
Steve from CO said:
First of all marijuana has hundreds or more chemicals that are more dangerous for your body than cigarettes. Also, the government is trying to ban all smoking in public places, so what makes you think there going to try and legalize marijuana now? Another thing is yes, marijuana does make people happy, but it also lowers their IQ level.
On 03/27/03
Junior from TN said:
I don't think that tobacco products should be outlawed for people under the age of 18 (maybe 14 but not 18). I pesonally don't dip or anything but most of my friends do. Dipping doesn't hurt anyone but the person that is doing it. Putting laws or rules on things make a teen want to rebel more. If a person wants to dip, let him. People think that teens are irresponsible or ignorant but we have the right to make our own choices. People don't tell adults they can't dip. They shouldn't tell us.
16 thru 20 of 30 comments

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