Speak Up! - View Question #535

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Question: If someone finds unused meth in your car that isn't yours can you be charged with possession of illegal substance? Even if it is not yours?

Answer: It depends. First you can always be charged with possession of drugs, the real question is can you be found guilty of it. In order to be found guilty, the drugs must be on you or within your immediate control. It is presumed that if the drugs are found in your car it is within your control. It will be hard to prove that someone left their drugs in your car and therefore they are not yours. So unless the person who actually own the drugs admits that they are theirs, you won't have much luck in proving the drugs are not yours when found in your car.

11 thru 13 of 13 comments
On 09/01/02
MMM from AZ said:
if it is an illegal search htan they can not use what they found against you in court.
On 05/21/02
Kelli from AZ said:
Yes you will get arrested because they won't believe you that it isn't yours. Here's a tip to avoid this situation: DON'T HANG OUT WITH TWEEKERS!!!
On 04/18/02
Snake from FL said:
yes cause it was in your possession when they found it.
11 thru 13 of 13 comments

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