Speak Up! - View Question #536

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Question: What will I get if I steal cigarettes?

Answer: In Arizona, Possession of tobacco by a person under the age of 18 is an incorrigible act and you could face charges in court. There could be various penalties. STEALING is a different story. Theft or shoplifting is a crime and you could be prosecuted for committing this act. You could be ordered to jail or any other options that the judge may decide according to A.R.S. sec 13-1802, 13-1805, 8-341 and 8-201(15)

31 thru 35 of 38 comments
On 01/08/02
--- from AZ said:
I think if you are dump enough to smoke that your problem, but smoking is bad for u. It shouldn't be that persons right to spoke at such a young age. Well thats all I have to say to all the people who want to kill themselves with smoking.
On 12/02/01
Lysergic Girl from AZ said:
Anyway, smoking should be 16 and it should be an individual's right to decide whether they want to or not. And with all the smoking awareness, classes and anti-sommercials, people at 16 should be able to have more than enough information to make thier own decision on it.
On 12/01/01
Robyn from IL said:
Stealing is wrong but theres no reason to get all fiesty to the people who do it. They know its wrong too. Its a serious habit like drugs. It gives you the same high and you think its harmless. Then, you get caught and you don't know why you did it in the first place. All that saying no to peer pressure junk you learn in school isn't such junk. If you pay attention to it you will be able to say no to it all when your friends suggest it, and you might be able to help them get rid of their problem too. If you don't know what it's like to do it or get caught then you don't know what your talki
On 11/27/01
Big D from IL said:
Alright for the guy who was "cot" smoking, sorry, it's "caught". It seems that you didn't stay in high school much longer. I'm right aren't I?
On 11/06/01
Donniece from DE said:
I think stealing is wrong and a lot of kids try it. I think that is the write thing that they are doing in Arizonia I think they should do it eevery where.
31 thru 35 of 38 comments

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