Speak Up! - View Question #540

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Question: Is smoking weed (marijuana) legal in some States?

Answer: No. Every State, from Alabama, Colorado, Kentucky to Vermont, including Arizona and every State in between, has enacted various criminal penalties for the possession, use, cultivation, transportation and distribution, of marijuana, including even the smallest of quantities.

Arizona punishes possession of amounts less than two pounds as a class six felony with fines between $750 and $150,000 and jail or prison time from six months to a year and a half.

A few States have decriminalized marijuana use and possession in small amounts (N. Carolina and California for example) but even there, its still illegal.

36 thru 40 of 568 comments
On 06/26/07
matt from WA said:

i think it should be legalized cause even if they dont legalize it u know how many ppl are still going to do it know 1 cares what anyone has to say ppl are gonna do what they want when they want and like everyone else is saying the goverment is gonna make alot of money off it i think they should just legalize it

On 06/13/07
Kim from WI said:
I was reading some of the stuff people wrote. I think it should be legal. Even drinking deer can kill you. Drinking is worse then this. Makening it legal would let alot of people out of jail. Less taxes. The goverment gets more money. The sick people who need the help it gives will be better off. And everyone will be happy again. Less harmful then drinking and yet you can do that. Time for people to see this.
On 06/13/07
ace from NC said:
marijuanna does not make you do anything that you wouldn't normally do (besides sit on ur butt all day) marijuanna calms you down and anyone who does something stupid under the influence committed that act out of their own stupidity, and anyone who thinks otherwise.. oh well it doesn't matter becuase your wrong
On 05/29/07
ash from VA said:
wow everyone who commented this needs to wake UP!ya'll are pathetic..the more people in jail the better ..because it allows it more safe on the streets...Marijuana is for low lifes if someone has to sink that low to relax than then well they deserve to die...and yes ,..excesive use of marijuana CAN KILL YOUU!
On 05/19/07
john from SC said:
i thank weed is good thar is not a thang worng with weed pople sould not get a reasted for it isay make it legal and how much time do you get in south carolina if you get busted with it
36 thru 40 of 568 comments

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