Speak Up! - View Question #541

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Question: I got a ticket for a MIP. They let me just pay a ticket when i went to court without pleading guilty or anything. I paid it without even seeing the judge. Will I lose my license? Or did i not even have to see a judge?

Answer: Essentially what you did is plead guilty because you paid the fine. Sometimes you can just pay the fine and not see the judge.

If the judge wanted to suspend your license he or she could have done it. If it was suspended, you would have received some papers from the judge or from the Motor Vehicle Department. If you didn't receive anything from the Court or MVD, then your license probably isn't suspended. Be careful though, if you are caught for this crime again, you will lose your license until you are 18. (ARS 28-3320(7)).

21 thru 23 of 23 comments
On 04/20/03
mike from NE said:
mip mean minor in possesion, in is usally an mip for alcohol but can also be a mipt minor in possesion of tobacco
On 04/17/03
tony from PA said:
On 01/07/03
vanessa from MI said:
i hope i get that lucky when i go to court for my mip
21 thru 23 of 23 comments

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