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Question: What are the penalties for producing Psilocybin mushrooms?

Answer: Psilocybin in considered a dangerous drug according to Arizona Law (ARS 13-3401 6. (a) (xxv)) and its possession, use, sale, manufacture or transportation is a class 3 felony (ARS 13-3407 B. 6). A class 3 felony may be punished by up to 5 years in prison and up to $150,000.00 in fines (plus surcharges).

31 thru 35 of 36 comments
On 04/14/03
David from TX said:
Mushrooms have been used for a very long time for spiritual reasons in many cultures. Only those who have tried for them productive reasons can attempt to understand their psychological benefits. It's a shame that mushrooms are categorized legally along with substances that are truly dangerous.
On 04/12/03
Marc from NY said:
I totally agree with matthew. Drugs are bad for you. Of course their bad for you. however its not up to the government to decide wat is ingested into the body of it citizens, it should be entirely their choice. As along as the use of drug does not cause grief or pain to those not using the drug, what is the reason to outlaw it. Alcohol, which is a drug, and is obviously more harmful than the occasionsal use of marijuana, is legal. Often, its encouraged. But marijuana, a harmless drug to the people not using it is illegal and enforced by the law and its users subject to hefty fines, should not
On 12/12/02
Alex from TX said:
you can cultivate all the spores you want though, until they turn into mycellium. if you do it right you can extract the psilobycin before they reach an aged mycellium. turn them into a cake and ingest them to get the same effect as shrooms.
On 11/06/02
Kara from AZ said:
Shrooms are bad.
On 11/04/02
Mathew from NY said:
ill tell you why, because the psychedellic experience is part of being human. we want something more than how culture defines how we should live, we want to explore outside the boundries. The war on drugs is a losing war against ourselves and our personal freedom and goes against everything we have always prided ourselves for and died for. Human beings should be given the basic right to ingest, inject, inhale any substance as long as it does not effect others. It is my basic right. einstein said there is nothign more destructing to a nation than the prohibition law, you simply cannot enfor
31 thru 35 of 36 comments

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