Speak Up! - View Question #552

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Question: What are the legal consequence for using steroids?

Answer: You are most likely talking about anabolic steroids -the kind that athletes and others use to build muscle and size and be better in their sport. In Arizona it is illegal to possess and use certain drugs, and anabolic steroids are classified as 'dangerous drugs' (ARS 13-3401(6)(d)). Possession or use of a dangerous drug is a class 4 felony (ARS 13-3407). Other kinds of steroids, like cortisone and prendisone - known as corticosteroids, are prescription only drugs. Possession or use of a prescription only drug without a valid prescription is a class 1 misdemeanor.

In Arizona conviction of a class 4 felony can result in prison time of up to 3.75 years for a first offense, probation, and a dangerous drug conviction has a mandatory fine of $1000, plus mandatory surcharges of 80%. A class 1 misdemeanor can result in up to 6 months in jail and up to a $2500 fine (plus the 80% surcharge). However, for first and second drug convictions, if you do not have any other violent crime convictions, you cannot be sent to prison, but probation and treatment is mandatory, along with the fine.

If you get charged with possession or use of dangerous drugs as a juvenile, and are convicted, then the adult sanctions above don't apply, but the juvenile court can send you to juvenile prison, place you on probation, make you pay a fine, do community service work and attend treatment. Also, the law requires that your driver's license be suspended until you are 18, for ANY drug conviction. This even applies if you don't have a license yet - the suspension is of your privilege to drive.

In addition to the criminal sanctions, many sports associations and schools have rules about drug use, including steroid use, and they can and do test for drug use. If you are found to have the drugs in your system, your prizes can be taken away (if you won), you can be suspended from the sport and/or school, and you can be banned from competing in your sport for a time or for life, depending on the situation.

Also, drug convictions can keep you out of the military, and out of some professions or jobs - even juvenile 'convictions'.

So steroid use has some drastic legal consequences, which could effect the rest of your life.

31 thru 35 of 44 comments
On 03/22/04
Faith from IN said:
Ok all drugs are stupid. But roids are one of the worst just b/c of the side effects they have. It's not like u can really get rid of the side effects either,so me personally, wouldn'do any. Why do all these guys/girls want to be all big and bulky? I see no sence in it. As long as ur healthy then ur fine. Roids are not healthy for u! be carefuland good luck!:)
On 02/09/04
Mike from KY said:
I am a skinny guy... and a I wanna try to get muscles enough to be lean if u know what i mean and i dunno what froms of steriods there are but u seem to know what your talkin about so ill go with ur advice
On 02/09/04
Mike from KY said:
You do know that there are other forms of steriods right? i dont think you are educated on the subject and shouldnt be allowed to speak unless u have some acceptable evidence... But thats just me
On 01/27/04
Dax from LA said:
why are the athletes doing this to themselves? you are hurting yourself and your family members.Do they know that there are alot of diseases that they can get from using these drugs.
On 12/17/03
Danielle from ME said:
I think drugs are very bad for athletes they are cheating and its not fair to other athletes that are tring there best!!!!!
31 thru 35 of 44 comments

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