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LawForKids.org LawDocs

The foundation for law in America are a couple of important Law Documents. Maybe you've heard of them before: the Constitution, the Declaration of Independence, the Bill of Rights...

The Bill of Rights -- The first 10 Amendments to the US Constitution

Amendment 1 - Freedom of Religion, Speech, Press, Assembly and Petition...
Amendment 2 - Freedom of Milita and to bear arms...
Amendment 3 - Quartering Soldiers in a person's house...
Amendment 4 - Security from unwarranted search and seizure...
Amendment 5 - Freedom for Life, Liberty and Property...
Amendment 6 - Criminal cases and rights of accused persons...
Amendment 7 - Common law and trial by jury in civil cases...
Amendment 8 - Bail, excessive fines, cruel and unusual punishment...
Amendment 9 - Other rights of the people...
Amendment 10 - Powers reserved to the states...

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