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  • I'm Ernest. I'm 15 years old and have never been in any trouble before. But now...
  • My name is Cindy. It's my first day in jail, adult jail, and boy am I scared!
  • My name is Keith. It all started out as fun, drinking beer and cruising around the school at night.
  • My name is Brittany. I started drinking and smoking marijuana when I was ten years old and now I'm fifteen years old.
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    Stories - View Story: Cindy's story

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    Hi, my name is Cindy and I’m 15 years old. It’s my first day in jail, adult jail, and boy am I scared! I was at juvenile jail once and this isn’t anything like that place! I still can’t believe how fast all of this happened. One night I’m out dancing at an after hours club and wham, now I’m in prison for up to 22 1/2 years! I suppose you’d like to know how this happened. Well, I was leaving the after hours club when these three girls from the north side were messing with me. My friends had already left so I was alone. I pulled out my pistol which, by the way, wasn’t even loaded, and pointed it at them and told them to leave me alone. I didn’t mean anything by it. I wasn’t going to shoot them. I just wanted them to leave me alone. But I got arrested and charged with three counts of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon. (How deadly is a gun with no bullets I asked, but that didn’t mater) Anyway, I guess last July a new law makes it so that kids that get charged with certain crimes have to go to adult jail instead of juvenile jail.  Well, I’m one of them, on my way to adult prison at age 15. I won’t get out of jail until I’m almost 40 years old!"

    11 thru 15 of 319 comments     1   2  [ 3 ]  4   5  ...   
    On 08/27/08
    lolwut from CT said:
    That's right. Self defense should be charged as a crime! Keep the people unarmed and they are easier to suppress!
    On 07/11/08
    from AL said:
    They must have charged her as an adult or something, because there's no way she would get that kind of sentence as a juvenile.
    On 06/11/08
    Trixie from AL said:
    It sounds like you were attempting to defend yourself. If you haven't gone to court yet, you need to get a good lawyer and go with a self-defense case. If you've already gone to court, you need to talk to a lawyer about an appeal. There's absolutely no reason you should be going to adult jail for 20 years. The law is out there to ruin people's lives. You didn't even hurt anybody. I wish you luck young innocent person.
    On 05/12/08
    PJ from OH said:
    Why is a 15 year old at an after hours club to begin with? Who was your lawyer?
    On 04/28/08
    Mary from AL said:
    That is messed up. I can understand that you wanted them to leave you alone,and you had to do what you had to do so that they would leave you alone. And I agree with you about how deadly is a gun without any bullets. They should have gave you 1 year instead of 22 1/2 years. Just hang in there girl you can do it. Be tough!!!! okay
    11 thru 15 of 319 comments     1   2  [ 3 ]  4   5  ...   

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