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    (Possession and Use of a Vapor Releasing Toxic Substance)

    Huffing is against the law. It is against the law to knowingly breathe, inhale, or drink a vapor-releasing toxic substance. Common things that fit this definition are glue, spray paint, gasoline, etc.

    There are regulations regarding the sale of inhalants. Using or selling these substances is regarded as a class 5 felony or a class 1 misdemeanor depending on the seriousness of the offense. (ARS 13-3403).

    6 thru 10 of 20 comments     1  [ 2 ]  3   4    
    On 05/12/08
    j.r from AZ said:
    Dont huff it bad!! That aint gonna make u cooler!!!!
    On 12/15/06
    to: HI from me from AZ said:
    I AGREE! huffing is dumb! and pointless.
    On 05/16/06
    from HI said:
    Even heavy drinkers and heavy pot smokers would agree that "huffing" is by far one of the stupidist things to do.
    On 02/27/06
    Curtis from IA said:
    using drugs is why the world is the way it is now without drugs we would not have the problems that we do. All that I'm trying to say is up with hope down with dope
    On 02/23/06
    Mike From Canada from Othr said:
    I'm an EMT (emergency medical technician) from Spruce Grove Alberta. I skateboard almost every day down at our local skate park. This summer I was there and there were a bunch of kids huffing gasoline in garbage bags. I went in for a drink and when I came out, one of them was lying on his back unconsious. I called 911 and started CPR, but by the time the ambulance arrived, he was stone dead. If someone tells you that it can't kill you, guess again. I found out later that the kid was only 13. What a shame.
    6 thru 10 of 20 comments     1  [ 2 ]  3   4    

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