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    Laws - View Law: GUNS & WEAPONS

    Guns & Firearms:

    Laws are set to protect kids and adults when dangerous instruments are involved. This applies to driving a car as well as to possession of guns. In Arizona, the law states that kids under the age of 18 are not allowed to carry guns. (ARS 13-3111). This law also provides some exceptions where kids are allowed to have and use a gun under certain restricted conditions. For example, a kid can carry a gun if he or she is with a parent, grandparent, qualified hunter, safety instructor, or qualified firearms safety instructor as long as there is permission from a parent or guardian. When involved in lawful hunting or shooting events or marksmanship practice, kids between the ages of 14 and 18 are allowed to be in possession of a firearm.(ARS 13-3111). Because there are many exceptions and details in this statute, you may want to read the law or consult a gun expert or lawyer before actually possessing a firearm.

    Deadly Weapons:

    Arizona Law (ARS 13-3101) says that a Deadly weapon is anything that is designed for lethal use, including a firearm.

    It is against Arizona law to carry a firearm or any deadly weapon on a school campus. (ARS 13-3102)

    1 thru 5 of 94 comments    [ 1 ]  2   3   4   5  ...   
    On 05/19/09
    Steve from AZ said:
    Despite the plethora of views on gun control, for and against, all points, well most of them anyway are valid. Despite my views on guns I wish for all involved, that some of the people who post here would take a few minutes to go and search out a dictionary or use spellcheck on the computer. No matter how valid someones views are on guns whether they are pro or con, the poor spelling and grammar makes it really hard to take someone seriously. Please double check your spelling before you post. Itud reely help sum uf us tayk yor post seeriusly.
    On 04/26/09
    karl from NY said:
    How long I get for selling pot
    On 04/14/09
    notgay from MH said:
    i had a gun and got arrested
    On 04/01/09
    from AL said:
    i agree
    On 02/19/09
    Cam from AZ said:
    People may protest against guns, saying that it'll stop gang shootings, random acts of violence and such, but the fact is it's not true. Criminals will always find a way to get their hands on guns, and the fact they take it away from citizens is a crime in itself. If guns are in fact eliminated, then the criminals will be the only ones with them, leaving the rest of us law abiding citizens defenseless. What are we going to do then if we have to defend outselves? Bring a knife to a gun fight? I dont think so. There should be restrictions, but they shouldn't be taken from us competely.
    1 thru 5 of 94 comments    [ 1 ]  2   3   4   5  ...   

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