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    Stories - View Story: Kristina's story

    Kristina's MP3 N/A N/A

    Hello everyone. Im Kristina, my friends however call me Kris. On the 19th of January I was arrested and am being charged with a Class four Felony and a class one misdemenor for pocession of a controlled substance and Prescription pills without prescription.... All of them however were prescription pills. NEVER put prescription pills in a ziplock bag and hold them for someone else. Anyways my friends and I were hanging out and an officer pulled up and started talking to us... I didnt think anything about it... i didnt even remember about them until after the first officer had started searching my car (with my permission.) Anyways I told the other officer and they actually argued over whether or not to arrest me!!! Ive never been in any trouble before and have a clean record up to this point... My first court date is on the 27th. Im going to plead not guilty and ask for a lawyer... I just wish I knew before hand what kind of mess this is going to get me into. 

    21 thru 25 of 36 comments     1   2   3   4  [ 5 ] ...   
    On 04/19/06
    Veda from IN said:
    It isn't right. Some laws are very stupid. Us kids should just VETO all of them.
    On 04/19/06
    Erica but everyone calls me Ricky from IN said:
    I think that you shouldn't have let them search your car withot a warrent. You're doing the right thing by saying you're not gulity because they weren't even yours. I think that you'll be okay and everything will be just fine.
    On 04/19/06
    Veda from IN said:
    How can the government send agents to bust down your door and lock you up or seize you computer because you were downloading things off the internet? You can sue for that? Don't they need a search warrent? Holla Back!
    On 04/18/06
    Evan from CA said:
    Oh, and... why do all comments have to be approved? Can't handle possible criticism of your draconian interpretation and administration of laws?
    On 04/18/06
    Evan from CA said:
    Just refuse to let them search your car unless they have a warrant. Seriously, all of these motivational stories could have been avoided if you hadn't let the police search your property without a warrant in the first place.
    21 thru 25 of 36 comments     1   2   3   4  [ 5 ] ...   

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