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    Stories - View Story: Shannon's story

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    I just got my licence. I was so excited to go out with my friends and everything so we all went to hangout. Everyone has been depressed because we have lost 2 friends this year. That's when I got involved with drugs. I met this grl and we became best friends. We would hang out all the time. We started smoking weed and drinking. It got to the point where we went to school high all the time. Then we went driving around one night and we didn't smoke but our friends in the other car where smoking. There was 5 of them and in the end only 2 survived. Me and my friend still got in trouble even though we had nothing on us but we knew them and now I can't drive till I'm 18 and we have 3 friends dead. It was a sad night and will never forget it. It's hard to see what it takes to make you stop doing drugs.

    6 thru 10 of 14 comments     1  [ 2 ]  3    
    On 10/02/07
    taz from AZ said:
    Wow, thats crazy i am truly sorry for your loss. But honestly its so easy to blame drugs and all that sort of thing. i'm not saying that drugs had no effect on there abilty to drive but what if they hadn't got stoned and still got in wreck? To truly understand the reasonin one should know all the poibts to the story, i mean was it even your friends fault? did they cause the accident? Its not always because of what they took. If someone drinks a cuple redbulls and drives a car are u gonna blame the high lvls of sugar and caffine?(i spelled that wrong. Once again i am sorry for your loss. truly
    On 06/12/07
    missy from AZ said:
    i am so sorry about your friends.but i hope you learned a lesson and ditched the girl who made you start smoking.i am only ten and i know better than to smoke.it can kill you,you should have known better.
    On 03/22/06
    alli from AZ said:
    OH MAN! that stinks. if the died and the were high then it must of been the drugs right?
    On 03/22/06
    Christina from IL said:
    I just have to say that that's a very sad story and I guess next time you will know a little better what to do now your friends are dead and you can't bring them back but next time becareful and never let anyone get in your ca r drinking and smoking
    On 11/24/05
    Dave from MA said:
    So, wait, since im assuming your friends didnt smoke themselves to death, im guessing they were in an accident and some of them died in it? How do you get in trouble just for knowing the people in the accident? Plenty of my friends got in accidents, and Ive never once had the police come to my house and arrest me for knowing them.
    6 thru 10 of 14 comments     1  [ 2 ]  3    

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