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Until this day...i have no idea why i started using drugs..i grew up in a good home, had everything i ever wanted, was a cheerleader, and got great grades. That is probably the worst part about my not having an excuse as easy as i had a bad child hood. Things started going down hill my eighth grade summer and this was the year i was introduced to cocaine abd opened up the door to addiction which would spirl my life out of control for the next four years. This was the year when i was sent to my first rehab for forty five days, but i had not hit my bottom yet and started smoking crack when i was released. This soon led to banging cocaine and that soon landed to me in another rehab, only this one was for eleven months. Who would have thought that i would not have been ready yet? Two weeks after i got out (i was then 16) i had already started in on banging heroin. This was my downfall. After stealing 3600 dollars from my parents for a binge week, overdosing 9 times in 6 months, detoxing 4 times and landing in SEF for two months, i was finally ready to make a change. I am now seventeen, already attending college and have a great paying job. I thought that i was going to shoot up heroin for the rest of my life at one point and the worst part was that i was perfectly content with that. Somewhere something changed though and i know that if i can do it..anyone for anyone reading this with addiction wont always be that hard...i promise
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On 09/07/05
suzi from HI said:
hey im very proud 2 hear that you should never do that
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