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"I started drinking and smoking marijuana when I was ten years old and now I'm fifteen years old. I'd go into my parents liquor cabinet and have parties and invite my friends over whenever my parents were out-of-town. We would see how much we could drink before we did something silly. My best friend Susan was 18 years old. One night, we decided to drive to the mall and hang out. Susan was the only one with a drivers license. That night Susan seemed kind of out-of-it, and I know I shouldn't have gotten into the car with her, but I didn't want to show that I was scared or chicken to drive with her. I never knew that Susan had been arrested before for drunk driving. She was my best friend but she never told me that. Anyway, that night on the way to the mall, we had the radio blasting and we never heard the oncoming fire engine. I can't remember exactly what happened, but I ended up in the hospital for 3 months with a broken pelvis and punctured lung. My best friend Susan died at the scene. I went through drug rehabilitation and I'm okay today. But I will never forget what happened and I'll never party with drugs or alcohol again and I'll never drive with anyone who drinks and uses DRUGS!"
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On 04/21/09
mz.chi from IL said:
well all i want to say iz hope u get better and sorry u had 2 go through that 1 luv
On 03/19/09
lc from MI said:
sux for you but drinking was the cause of that not pot so dont blame pot
On 02/02/09
lotty from Othr said:
wow thats amazing that yo"ve got through it ok. wow your really strong person by the sound of well done
On 12/15/08
Omar from AZ said:
Sorry that your friend died.Look on the brigt side your life changed and now that you have experienced this you wont do this again. Drugs and alcohol are bad and can make people do stupid mistakes. My advice is dont use drugs and alcohol and live a life without drugs.
On 11/24/08
ogs from NY said:
dts craz hope any 1 els haz 2 go thugh dat
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