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Laws - View Law: TRUANCY |
(not being in school when you are supposed to be)
It is against the law for anyone between the ages of six and sixteen to not attend school. However, there are some exceptions through excused absences, home school, etc. Even if you miss just one class period without an excuse, you are considered truant.
If you miss school a lot (5 days, unexcused) you are considered to be habitually truant (ARS 15-803). An attendance officer can enforce this law. The officer can give you a ticket requiring you and a parent to appear before an official of the court. (ARS 15-805) If you are habitually truant you could be put on probation, have your driver’s license taken away, or have to attend counseling or educational classes. (ARS 8-323)
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On 09/25/08
Bill from AZ said:
Yeah, i was told i would be sent to jail on the spot. (this was my first offence)
On 09/02/08
Jess from AZ said:
If it's against the law from 6-16 then I don't think that they should try to hound you if you are 17.
On 08/26/08
USVS from AZ said:
i got sited for truancy today they game me home arrest for being second time
On 07/18/08
Suzann from AZ said:
I was cited by a truency officer for my son being truant from school. My son had just had surgery was on homebound and I was unaware I had to call him in everyday he remained on homebound even with the district homebound teacher coming 3 days a week. I have been to court 4 times and have yet to be able to show documents of the doctor visits, surgery, and homebound. What a waist of my time the tax payers money and if I would just pay the large fine of $350.00 It would all be done. I think it is sad our courts system has put money before people and for justice it is no longer a factor today.
On 06/30/08
Rosie from Othr said:
It's pretty much the same here in the UK, you can't legally quit school till you're 16. I think it's fair but the problem is people who obviously don't want to be there disrupt the class for the rest of us. I think such people should be put into apprenticeship (sp?) schemes of something. Having the odd day off isn't really the end of the world, god I suffer from depression and sometimes for my own mental sanity I needed a day off because I was miserable. As long as it's not a regular habit then you're going to be fine. I made it to university :)
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