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    Laws - View Law: BULLYING

    What is Bullying?

    Bullying consists of negative acts carried out repeatedly over time. There is an actual or perceived imbalance of power in a bullying situation that allows the bully to attack the less powerful. There are three basic types of bullying:

    • Physical: hitting, kicking, pushing, choking, and punching
    • Verbal: threatening, taunting, teasing, starting rumors, hate speech
    • Psychological: social exclusion, intimidation, spreading rumors,

    Characteristics of a bully

    • Aggressive and impulsive
    • Over confident and tough
    • Low tolerance for frustration
    • Inclined to use violence more than other children

    Characteristics of a victim

    • An actual or perceived imbalance of power
    • Victims tend to be quiet, passive with few friends
    • Victims do not respond effectively to aggressive actions
    • Victims are ashamed, often do not tell an adult

    Some Bullying statistics

    • Studies in have show that at least 15% of students in schools are involved
    • About 9% are victims
    • About 7% bully others repeatedly
    • More students in younger grades are victimized
    • Boys are more likely to be bullied than girls

    Bullying Laws

    Arizona has a new law that requires schools to have policies on bullying, harassment and intimidation. The message is clear: create an environment where bullying is not tolerated. Each school is required to have a procedure for students, parents and teachers to confidentially report bullying behavior to a school official to trigger investigation, punishment and prevention of further bullying behavior. (A.R.S. §15-341). If the bullying acts threaten or actually cause injury to a person or property, then more severe penalties are called for and carried out under Arizona’s criminal laws. (A.R.S. §13-2911).


    The Arizona Department of Education has information and resources for bullying prevention for students, parents and teachers.

    The National Youth Violence Prevention Resource Center is a “one-stop shop” website for information on youth violence prevention, sponsored by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and other federal agencies.

    The National Mental Health Information Center’s website provides information about mental health including bullying and aggressive behavior.


    16 thru 20 of 39 comments     1   2   3  [ 4 ]  5  ...   
    On 07/03/08
    Sam from AZ said:
    I think that teachers and principals all need to stop ignoring the problem because it is serious and it is not fun at all.
    On 05/13/08
    from AL said:

    what is up i just read some of this and i think that this law is nt o.k. because bullying teaches us to fight back and stand up for your self. I was not bullyed in school and still in school but if i did i would stand up to that person so they know that i do not want to be messed with by him. that is my opinion on this.

    On 04/23/08
    monica from AZ said:

    i think this law is okay but i dont like that you cant defend yourself!! i wouldnt take a hit and not do nothing...i would hit them back cuz itz not fair!!!!people need to stand up for themselves these days!! it doesnt have to be with guns or knives!! i was bullied until i kicked that person in the butt and now they dont bother me no more!!! well thats all i had to say.

    On 04/10/08
    jo from AZ said:
    im a high schooler and the laws about bullying are way out of hand. bullying and initiation rituals to sports are a part of school. but if u are getting bullied best thing to do is just walk away and ignore them. but if that doesn't work i think you should be able to fight back with the same force or ways that u are being bullied with. and if think if someone hits you you have all right to hit them back. NO EXCEPTIONS. once you fight back to them they will leave you alone most of the time and most of the time they cant do much they just relie on intimidation
    On 04/03/08
    mh from NC said:

    im originally from baltimore maryland but i didnt know that all this could happen and you could be charged for it im glad i found out. im studying law degrees for a project in a advanced language arts class getting ready for hight school but thanks for the information!

    16 thru 20 of 39 comments     1   2   3  [ 4 ]  5  ...   

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