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    Laws - View Law: JOYRIDING

    Joyriding is defined as borrowing someone’s car, bicycle, boat, or motorcycle without permission and with the intention of just using it for a while.

    Even if you are just a passenger, you are still responsible and if the vehicle gets damaged you may have to pay.

    Other penalties for joyriding are counseling, community service, probation, house arrest, detention, or having your driver’s license or permit taken away.

    11 thru 15 of 76 comments     1   2  [ 3 ]  4   5  ...   
    On 09/06/07
    ricky from AZ said:
    you shuold never joyride
    On 09/06/07
    pankoo from SC said:
    i once took my friends tricycle for a ride without asking him, does that still count? i mean it only mentioned a bicyle which has two wheels.
    On 11/05/06
    doctor anna from Othr said:
    a girl went to a party she told her parents she was studying at a friends house she and a friend was joyridin when they crashed into another car in hospital she asked me to tell her parents she was sorry for lying to them and she was sorry for steeling someone eles's car after that she died another doctor asked why i didn't tell her parents she was sorry, i said cause the car she crashed into were her parents and they died too. this is a true story!!!
    On 11/05/06
    jonny from Othr said:
    i no a person who got in a accident by joy ridin now he is too embarrased to show his face all he says is that "my face is the most the most horrible thing in the history of horible things" it looks that bad, no one talks to him now, he is just like a shawdow in disguise and no matter how good he looks on the outside he looks ugly on the inside. now he regerts it. he gets scared by the sound of cars. and all i can say is don't end up like him, cause your responsible for your actions and when you get a broken arm leg or heart your to blame!!!
    On 09/19/06
    evan from CO said:
    i just recentlu went joy riding and got pulled over after going about 25 miles because i did not have my head lights on. i got 2 points off my licence do i get it suspended till im 18?
    11 thru 15 of 76 comments     1   2  [ 3 ]  4   5  ...   

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