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Hi, I'm Jay. That's not my real name because the law prevents me from using my real name since I'm locked up in detention at the South East Facility. Let me tell you what got me here. It wasn't really one thing that I did. It was more like a bunch of things over a couple of years that I did that finally got me locked up in detention. See the penalties for breaking the law increase each time you break the law, and the judge always considers your past record in court. So it started when I was in Junior High. I started hanging with some friends who would get into a lot of trouble. Each of us was not really a trouble maker when we were on our own, but we'd do dumb things when we were together. So I was arrested for drug possession, smoking, truancy, vandalism over the period of 2 years, and each time I was released to my parents and put on Probation. On my last probation though one of my friends and I took a neighbor's Cadillac. We didn't really steal it, but we just wanted to take it on a joyride, I mean we were bored and thought it would be cool to drive a Caddy. Well, the police started following us, and then we led them on a chase because we didn't want to get caught. When we finally pulled over, it was like something out of one of those car chase TV shows, we were surrounded by several police officers. That stunt was more than enough to get me put in detention. Now I'm waiting to see the judge again, and I don't think he will release me to my parents. And forget about driving ever again, I can guarantee you my license will be taken away. So as part of my class here in detention, they've asked me to give you a tour of the juvenile detention facility. Click here to see what it's like in detention.