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Question: I have 2 charges for suspended license and i am on probation. I was pulled over twice for driving a stolen car (i did not know it was stolen) and the other time my lights were off. Can they put me in juvenile detention? I turn 18 on November 17. What is the worst/best that can happen?
Answer: Driving on a suspended license is a class 1 misdemeanor, meaning that you could face a maximum of 6 months in jail, 3 years in probation, and $2500 in fines (plus surcharges). That having been said, driving on a suspended license does not usually go so far. A.R.S. § 28-3473 includes mandatory minimum fines for driving on a suspended license.
For example, if the suspension is for unpaid tickets or no insurance, it is $545. If it is a DUI suspension, then that is 48 hours in jail. If you get a second A.R.S. § 28-3473 charge within 12 months, then the mandatory minimum goes from $545 to $905. In the cases of fines, if you get your license back after you get the ticket, the fine can drop to $95 on a first offense or $275 on a second offense.