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    Laws - View Law: SEX OFFENSES


    Beware of the serious consequences of committing any of the following sex offenses in the State of Arizona:

    In the State of Arizona, a person under 18 years old CANNOT consent to engage in sexual conduct (A.R.S. § 13-1401).

    Under Arizona law, sexual conduct is when a person intentionally or knowingly engages in sexual intercourse or oral sexual contact with a person under 18 years of age. Sexual conduct with a minor 15, 16 or 17 years old is class 6 felony. Sexual conduct with a minor under fifteen years of age is a class 2 felony.

    If you are a juvenile, and the victim is under 15 years, the county attorney has the discretion to bring adult charges against you (see Juvenile Justice). If the victim is 15 years or older, the county attorney has the option of asking a judge to allow him to bring adult charges against you. If a parent, stepparent, adoptive parent, legal guardian or foster parent engages in sexual conduct with a minor the person will be charged with a class 2 felony and could carry a prison term of 3 to 27 years maximum sentence (A.R.S. § 13-604.01).

    Sexual assault is when a person intentionally or knowingly engages in sexual intercourse or oral sexual contact with any person without consent of such a person and is a class 2 felony. In the State of Arizona, a person under the age of 18 years old cannot consent to sexual intercourse or oral sexual contact. A first time offense can lead to a prison term from 5.2 to 14 years.

    Sexual abuse is intentionally or knowingly engaging in sexual contact with any person 15 years of age of older without consent of that person or with any person which is under 15 years of age if the sexual contact involves only the female breast. If the victim is 15 years or older it is a class 5 felony. If the victim is under 15 years of age, it is a class 3 felony.

    If a juvenile is at least 15 years of age or older and commits a class 3 or higher felony sex offense, the juvenile will be tried as an adult. One such offense is forcible sexual assault which means if you use immediate or threaten to use immediate force during the commission of a sexual offense, you will automatically be tired in adult court. Once tried as an adult, always tried as an adult for any other crime even if you are a juvenile.

    If a juvenile is under 15 years of age and commits a class 3 or higher felony sex offense, it is at the discretion of the county attorney to request a transfer of juvenile to adult court. If you commit a crime and are under fourteen years old, the county attorney must petition the court to request a transfer hearing.

    If you need help, call one of these crisis hotlines:

    • Child Help USA Hotline 800-422-4453
    • Child Protective Services 888-SOS-CHILD or 888-767-2445
    • Pregnancy Hotline 800-848-5683
    • Youth Crisis Hotline 800-448-4663

    21 thru 25 of 188 comments     1   2   3   4  [ 5 ] ...   
    On 09/21/08
    Kevin from AL said:
    I think this is so stupid! Who's going to report two under age kids doing it?
    On 05/14/08
    james from AZ said:
    I did some stuff with this girl and I didn't hurt her or force her but now she is telling the cops i did.
    On 03/04/08
    cris from CA said:
    i think teens that have sex get the image from t.v and there parents. Or they want to act like adults
    On 02/24/08
    jaime from AZ said:
    hey ive been living with a 23 year old guy when im 16. my mom also lives with us and aproves of our relationship. can my babe still get in trouble with the law?
    On 12/04/07
    Shawn from AZ said:
    i think that kids have sex at a younger age becuase the parents of that child tells them that or it is shown in actions.
    21 thru 25 of 188 comments     1   2   3   4  [ 5 ] ...   

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