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Question: How old do you have to be to bus tables?
Answer: In Arizona the type of work you can do genreally depends on your age. Forbidden employement for youth under the age of 18 is listed in Arizona law A.R.S. §23-231. Forbidden employment under the age of 16 is in A.R.S. §23-232. Exemptions to these rules are in A.R.S. §23-235.
Federal law
The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) of 1938 includes protections for youth 14 to 17 years old who enter the workforce. The Child Labor Bulletin 101 contains information on who is covered by the FLSA youth provisions and who is exempt, minimum age and wage standards, and the hazardous occupations in which youth under 18 cannot be employed. The Bulletin gives youth, parents and employers all the information they need to comply with this law.
Generally federal law
· require minors to obtain "working papers" or "work permits," though many States do;
· limit the number of hours or times of day that workers 16 years of age and older may legally work, though many States do;
· apply to any employee whose services during the workweek are performed in a workplace within a foreign country or within a territory named in section 13(f) of the FLSA.
Check with the applicable State Department of Labor for guidance concerning State laws.
Exemptions from the Youth Employment Provisions of the FLSA
The federal youth employment provisions do not apply to:
· Children under 16 years of age employed by their parents in occupations other than manufacturing or mining, or occupations declared hazardous by the Secretary of Labor.
· Children employed as actors or performers in motion pictures, theatrical, radio or television productions.
· Children engaged in the delivery of newspapers to the consumer.
For more information about child labor and the federal laws visit the Department of Labor's online site.