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    Speak Up! - View Question #197

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    Question: What civil rights and employment rights would I lose if convicted of a felony?

    Answer: Arizona Law (ARS 13-904) states what civil and employment rights you lose. These include:

    1. The right to vote.
    2. The right to hold public office of trust or profit.
    3. The right to serve as a juror.
    4. The right to possess a gun or firearm.

    A person may be denied employment by the state or any of its agencies or may be denied a license, permit or certificate to engage in an occupation (such as a Realtor, hair stylist, accountant, contractor, landscaper, etc.) if the felony has a reasonable relationship to the license, permit or certificate.

    1 thru 5 of 11 comments    [ 1 ]  2   3    
    On 03/19/09
    liza from AL said:
    i think it is shameful how a person with a felon anywhere. i used to be one of those people. you have to be careful in judging people. now i can't find a decent job to feed my family and pay my bills. what does the government expect a person like me to do? i have come to terms with what i did and sorry for the crime.my heart hurts every day and i cry for my children. i pray to God that someday the U.S. will see that felons are people and make mistakes too. i will continue to pray for me and others like me. i have asked God to forgive me and i know He has and so should society it may thereturn
    On 05/31/04
    Sophia from FL said:
    It has been nine years since my felony. I have had two decent jobs since. One of them I messed up trying to start my owm business. I have tried to start my own business twice last year and neither one of them worked. I can not get a job that I have skills for. I don't want to lie on my application because they might find out and fire me, but at least I will have a check or two.The past two years I have worked for about 6 months. Some one told me that after seven years that it comes off, but I don't think that is true. I have a mortgage and other bills and I am jobless. I am so tired of this.
    On 05/05/04
    Estelle from MO said:
    I wish I could give you some encouraging news, but I came to this site because I am so feed up suicide is almost my last choice. It has been eight years this month since my conviction of child abuse. My last permanent job of 3 months was 2002 before then 1999 for 8 months I lied on my application. I started my own business in 2000 to get around this, but without knowledge, money or decent credit it didn't last long. I tried my own business again last year out of desperation and ended up in a shelter for 4 months, now I am living in a hotel still without a job or hope.
    On 04/28/04
    Lance from CA said:
    Melissa, If you haven't already followed the ideas the last poster said, try to read a book called "A Child Called It". It may open your eyes that help can be there for you.
    On 04/21/04
    Karen from AZ said:
    It sounds like you are in a very dangerous situation. I work with a domestic violence program and I want you to know that the abuse is not your fault. I would suggest that you call Child Protective Serivces in your area and talk to them about the abuse that you receive from your mom. You do not deserve to be treated like that. You have the right to live free from abuse, you and your sister. Please reach out to someone who can protect you, call your local domestic violence hotline or the national hotline at 1-800-799-SAFE (7233) and they will be able to put you in touch with assistance.
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