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    Speak Up! - View Question #21783

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    Question: are police officers allowed to hurt me while arresting me??

    Answer: Arizona revised statute 13-3881 states that 'no unnecessary or unreasonable force shall be used in making an arrest" - Someone may be hurt in the process of being arrested due to their resisting arrest, but police can not hurt you if you are not resisting and are respectfully obeying their commands.

    1 thru 3 of 3 comments    [ 1 ]   
    On 04/14/08
    jade from MO said:

    No ma'am or sir! Anyways, they cannot hurt you unless you hurt them. its only self defense. just dont act stupid and you wont get hurt.

    On 11/23/06
    Dave W. from NJ said:
    I was arrested at a local sand pit for riding a dirt bike on private property. The two cops who arrested me had two gus pointed directly at my head. All for ridng a dirt bike! I think that it was extemly inappropriate and very unprofessional of those two officers. I thought that you were only allowed to draw your weapon if a weapon was drawn at you. Answers? 
    On 11/20/06
    Rosemary from Othr said:
    No I do not think anybody should be hurt while getting arrested by an officer. It is not the job of an officer to harm a citezen. But that is unless the officer is in danger. For example if the citezen was armed then yes they are allowed self defense but otherwise No.
    1 thru 3 of 3 comments    [ 1 ]   

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