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Question: how many people commit suicide fro being hurt and abused by a bully?
Answer: Statistics are uncertain. However, a number of researchers believe that individuals who have been bullied are at a higher risk for depression and/or suicidal behavior.
The Health Resources and Service Administration ("HRSA") has a website called "Stop Bullying Now" which may be of interest to you. The website indicates that:
- Studies show that between 15-25% of U.S. students are bullied with some frequency, while 15-20% report they bully others with some frequency;
- Young people who bully are more likely than those who don't bully to skip school and drop out of school. They are also more likely to smoke, drink alcohol and get into fights .
- Bullying scares some people so much that they skip school. As many as 160,000 students may stay home on any given day because they're afraid of being bullied.
- Bullying can lead to huge problems later in life. Children who bully are more likely to get into fights, vandalize property, and drop out of school. And 60% of boys who were bullies in middle school had at least one criminal conviction by the age of 24
You may also want to check out the "bullying section" of the lawforkids.org website.