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Question: When I trun 17 and if I am either out of the house or emancipated and my boiyfriend just turned 19 a month before me am I legal without my mothers consent but I have his mothers consent to get married could that be possible?
Answer: See question # 23804 regarding whether a person under the age of 18 can marry. That question states, "According to Arizona Law, A.R.S. § 25-102, titled 'Consent required for marriage of minors,' a person under the age of 18 cannot marry without the consent of the parent or guardian having custody of such person. A person under 16 cannot marry without the consent of the parent or guardian having custody of that person and the approval of any superior court judge in the state. When both parents are living together the consent of either parent is sufficient. When the parents are living apart, the consent shall be given by the parent who has the custody of the minor.
Now, this same situation for an emancipated 17 year old is a different story. See question # 22660 about whether an emancipated minor can marry without parental consent. Also, see the emancipation law in Arizona in the laws section of this website.