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    Speak Up! - View Question #17394

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    Question: I was drinking during the day the other day and my friend, who was a sober driver, got pulled over. The cop asked for IDs but I didn't have mine because I was at a pool party all day. He gave me a Minor in Consumption ticket because he smelled alcohol on me and I told him I was not 21. What is the typical fine for a minor in consumption in Arizona and are there diversion programs you can take?


    Justice Courts can impose fines as well as community service hours, even misdemeanor probation. The amount of fines varies from county to county. Typically, there is a fine of about $125.00 on a first offense. Diversion is available in some counties, at the discretion of the prosecutor.

    In the Juvenile Court, a drinking charge can be sent to diversion by a probation officer. Or the probation officer can ask the prosecutor to file a petition. If found guilty, you could face time in detention, probation, alcohol counseling, community services, possibly placement into a drug treatment program or the Arizona Department of Juvenile Corrections if your case is seen as serious enough to warrant that. On a second finding of guilt for this offense, your driver's license would be suspended until you are 18.

    1 thru 5 of 12 comments    [ 1 ]  2   3    
    On 01/04/09
    Frank from AZ said:
    I was drinking at a party and the police came and i confessed that i had been drinking. they gave me a breath alizer and i blew a .17. I am 18 will i have to do jail time?
    On 09/08/08
    Jessie from AZ said:
    yea my friend who is 20 just got a mic in may and she pled guilty and she had the choice to go to this diversion program called wake up it costs like $175 but it was a better option then a misdemenor and a $500 fine i got i mip and had the same choices
    On 07/06/08
    James from KS said:
    I recently got a MIC. It was on the 4th of July morning about 4a.m. and a cop pulled me and my friend over who is 21, and I am 15, he got arrested for a DUI. I got a MIC i beleive. The cop never gave me a ticket to me up front. I haven't got one in the mail yet either. I blew a .023 which isn't much at all. So i was just wondering if i will actually get this ticket or will i get off.
    On 02/24/08
    matt from MO said:
    It's hard to understand that someone old enough to be drafted into the armed services can be charged with a criminal offence for just drinking, not driving or operating any type of machine.
    On 05/30/07
    Dan from AL said:
    I am from Ontario, Canada... and totally back up the above comment America is crap..nice place shitty government I have more respect for my country then america anyday....you have people in jail for the dumbest things internal possession of pot serves 2 yrs in prison in arizona...lol wow it's a 120$ ticket in canada that's if the cops are not going to be assholes like 99% of them in america
    1 thru 5 of 12 comments    [ 1 ]  2   3    

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