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    Speak Up! - View Question #17744

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    I just watched this report on 60 Minutes with these parents that let their kids have a party and someone drove home drunk and killed themselves. I believe in Kansas they did not have a law against parents that allow parties, but have alcohol, as long as the parents did not supply it. Does anyone know in South Carolina if there is a law against parents having parties with underage drinking, but if they did not supply it?


    Yes, in South Carolina, the parents could be arrested for contributing to the delinquency of a minor.  By allowing minors to drink in their house, even though they didn't supply the alcohol, the parents are aiding the minors by giving them a place to drink.  Because possession and consumption of alcohol by someone under the age of 21is illegal, the parents are aiding the minors in breaking the law.  Contributing to the delinquency of a minor is a misdemeanor and if convicted, the parents would face a fine up to $3,000, up to 3 years imprisonment, or both.  SC Code 16-17-490. 

    In addition to any criminal liability, the parents would also be subject to civil liability.  This is called social host liability and it means that the parents could be sued for any damages that arise due to the people drinking at their house.  For example: if one of the minors drinking at the parents' house leaves the party and gets involved in a car accident, the minor who was drinking, and the people in the car he hit can sue the parents. 

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