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    Speak Up! - View Question #18714

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    Question: Is sex with an emancipated minor illegal?


    Under Arizona law (A.R.S. § 13-1405(A)), "A person commits sexual conduct with a minor by intentionally or knowingly engaging in sexual intercourse or oral sexual contact with any person who is under eighteen years of age." If you are an emancipated minor, you are either 16 or 17 years old, and thus under the age of 18.

    For more information on the rights you DO get when you become emancipated, visit the emancipation section of LawForKids.org or read the Arizona law covering emancipation which went into effect August 2005 (ARS §12-2454).

    1 thru 5 of 7 comments    [ 1 ]  2    
    On 12/03/07
    Greg from MI said:
    Better question: is sex with an emancipated MINER legal?
    On 10/26/07
    brenik from AZ said:
    as an emancipated minor i feel that the law has required a minor to take care of themselves, so they should be able to make the desicion if they are willing to have a sexual relationship or not. If an emancipated minor is elgible to get sued than they are very elgible to choose their sex life. I mean why not?
    On 08/19/06
    Angie from AZ said:
    If you are responsible enough to earn emancipation, then isn't it possible that you are responsible enough to handle yourself sexualy as well? All I'm saying is thatm, wouldn't the most just thing in this case be to base this right on each individual person?
    On 07/03/06
    Jordan from IL said:
    my school wont allow students to even kiss. My mom allows sex only if she nows im using pertection, but when i try to buy them they say i cant!!
    On 04/18/06
    from AL said:
    you don't "get" rights. they are inherent.
    1 thru 5 of 7 comments    [ 1 ]  2    

    Read more about the law and Sexual Assault and Misconduct and Emancipation
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