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Speak Up! - View Question #22310 |
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Question: as a younger child i was kinda popilar with a few kids in scghool but then again i was bullied. even though nobody ever handled my problems i learned 2 get over it until recently... lately ive become REALLY mean. would i be considered a bully and if i am could people press charges against me?
Answer: Arizona has a new law that requires schools to have policies on bullying, harassment and intimidation. The message is clear: create an environment where bullying is not tolerated. Each school is required to have a procedure for students, parents and teachers to confidentially report bullying behavior to a school official to trigger investigation, punishment and prevention of further bullying behavior. (A.R.S. § 15-341). If the bullying acts threaten or actually cause injury to a person or property, then more severe penalties are called for and carried out under Arizona’s criminal laws. (A.R.S. § 13-2911).
For more information, see "Bullying" in the Laws section on this website.
Remember to treat others as you would like to be treated and let us know if you have any further questions.
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On 09/10/08
kristi from AL said:
i hate bullies they just get under my skin!!!!
i just cant stand the people r bulling others now a day!!! its gotten so very horrible!!!i think it just so crewl! it just think its so retarted that other people think so very little of others that they would make fun of other people insecurities!!!!its just horrible !!! i hate it!!!!gggeeeerrrrrr!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
On 05/23/08
keomi? from AZ said:
Keomi, what you said could be considered mental or emotional bullying. Trying to insult somebodies intelligence is a form of intimidation that bullies use. Anger is a serious problem that requires self control. Self control needs to be cultivated or developed. So, what is needed in this situation is some information and exercises on developing self control and explaining the benefits from doing this. I hope the self admitted bully can get this help.
On 03/01/08
helena from MI said:
all i have 2 say is that ive been bullyed before and i came home crying!!!!Its very BAD 2 do!!if someone is bullying u then try not 2 do the same 2 some body else!!!
On 09/23/07
Ryan from MI said:
Hey, if you are popular, use that popularity to set a good example. There are two kinds of popular, Nice friendly, well liked. Thats the kind that lasts a lifetime.
The other kind is "the cool kid". That last just for high school, maybe college if you are lucky.
So do the right thing, be popular but not for being rude or picking on people, but for being everyones friend. Think back to what it was like to get picked on. Tone down the sarcasm. You will make a big difference in someone's life.
On 08/30/07
Keomi from AZ said:
How can you be mean if you cant spell "school"?
Maybe you should spend more time at school learning than being mean to everyone..Since its obvious you can't do both.
Just my opinion.
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