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    Speak Up! - View Question #305

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    Question: What will happen if a 15yr old is charged with a felony?

    Answer: A couple of things can happen, depending on the type of felony the juvenile is charged with and what type of criminal record he or she has.

    If the felony the juvenile (age 15 and over) is charged with is one of the following, then Arizona law requires that they be charged as an adult in adult court;


    -Rape or Sexual Assault

    -Armed Robbery

    -Aggravated Assault - either serious physical injury or with a deadly weapon

    -Drive-by Shooting

    -Discharging a Firearm at a Structure

    or if the juvenile already has 2 prior felony convictions in juvenile court (chronic felony offender)

    These are called mandatory direct file cases.

    If the juvenile is 14 years or older, and committs any of the following felonies, then the county attorney MAY file adult charges in adult court. That is a decision made on a case-by-case basis;

    -a class 1 or 2 felony (included murder and some drug sales offenses)

    -a class 3 felony (except possession of drugs or theft)

    -a class 3,4,5, or 6 felony with intentional or knowing serious physical injury or use of deadly weapon or dangerous instrument (these would be aggravated assaults and similar offenses)

    -or a juvenile that has been convicted already of 2 felonies in juvenile court (chronic felony offender)

    Other felonies would be charged in juvenile court. Those would include, burglary, car theft, possession of marijuana, narcotics or dangerous drugs, some aggravated assaults where there is no serious injury or weapon used, fleeing from law enforcement or escape, resisting arrest, and theft.

    The juvenile court has a broad range of sentences, and does not have any mandatory sentencing provisions like adult court. The juvenile judge consideres the crime and the juvenile's circumstances, then can impose everything from community service to juvenile prison, including probation, fines, and placement in a residential treatment or foster home.

    16 thru 20 of 37 comments     1   2   3  [ 4 ]  5  ...   
    On 03/01/04
    crystal from PA said:
    i think that teens should be charged as adult if they do things that they know they sholdn't do
    On 02/26/04
    R from AR said:
    I feel that any children that is under the age of 18, and has been in and out of the detention centers should be tried as an adult. Two reason why 1. Instead of them being in the books like they suppose to they out commit crimes and getting off. 2.And whether or not the crime is serious and you been in and out of the system committing the same crime then yes to give them a wake up call the should be tried as an adult. Kids know what they are doing when they started but it is up to us to put a stop to it before it gets seriously out of hand.
    On 02/22/04
    Emily from MN said:
    Ok. I think that teens should be charged as adults. Because if they murder someone and just go to juvy or something that might not teach them, and they could get out and just do it again. ok what if some teenager murdered your child, would you want that teenager to be charged as adults are? Yes, I'm pretty sure anyone would.
    On 02/07/04
    Nicole from MI said:
    If a teen is old enough to pick up a gun and shoot someone... or commit an adult crime than they should be tried as one... myself.. im almost 16 and i understand right from wrong this kids arent stupid they know what they are doing they should be tried as an adult
    On 01/24/04
    Shannon from WA said:
    Under no circumstances should a child be charged as an adult!! These are children who were born completely innocent, if they are violent now then they have learned that some how. If not from their home life than from society. If we then just "throw them away", and lock them up, then we are just reinforcing what they have already learned: Hate distrust and violence. We as a society have failed then again. Childrens minds don't fully develop untill they are 22, at age 13 they still have time to grow and learn. I think if the time has come when children are shooting up schools, their parents, and
    16 thru 20 of 37 comments     1   2   3  [ 4 ]  5  ...   

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