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    Speak Up! - View Question #349

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    Question: Is attending night-long parties illegal if you have parental permission?

    Answer: A:

    In Arizona, a minor is not violating a county or city curfew if they are accompanied supervising adult, are on an emergency errand or have been specifically directed to the location on reasonable, legitimate business or some other activity by the supervising adult.(ARS 11-251). Additionally, a parent or guardian permitting activities that cause a child to be 'endangered, its health to be injured or its moral welfare to be imperiled' is guilty of a class 1 misdemeanor.(ARS 13-3613 and 13-3619).

    1 thru 5 of 7 comments    [ 1 ]  2    
    On 09/02/07
    michel from AL said:

    i got stopped by the cops once for curfew and my mom had to come pick me and my friend up but as soon as we got home we went out again

    On 02/23/04
    annoymous from AZ said:
    yeah but when you do finally turn 18 and your caught coming home from a party and if your all messed up then they will toss you in. trust me i know from an experience this past weekend. i was lucky that im still a minor because the cop just took me home and my parent had to sign some paper for him to release me. then all the other people i was with were 18 or 19 and they all had to spend 8 plus hours in jail. so just keep in mind when we all turn 18 we have to take responsibities for our own actons. yep no more running home to mommy!!!
    On 11/15/03
    Joshua from Othe said:
    why cant kids vote
    On 10/15/02
    shawn from AZ said:
    when i was 15 it was hard to stay out past the curfew but we had fun tryingbut, ur not allways so lucky we were at a cool partiy and got busted, i just think they should make the laws longer
    On 08/05/02
    Meera from IL said:
    I dont know about AZ but here in IL Ive never even seen a cop stop a kid for bein out late. Ive never seen anyone get busted for curfew. Like Ive been out late before and cops have never stopped us.
    1 thru 5 of 7 comments    [ 1 ]  2    

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