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    Speak Up! - View Question #561

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    Question: Is it legal for a minor to use a paint/pellet gun unsupervised?

    Answer: The laws about minors and guns vary allot from state to state. In Arizona, there are no laws that prevent a minor from using a gun unsupervised. Your state may be different. You can find out what laws may apply by calling the police department in your city or your local district attorney's office (that number should be in your county listings). In Arizona, although there is nothing to prevent a minor from using a pellet gun or paintball gun without adult supervision, these guns are considered 'dangerous instruments' and if someone or something got hurt because of the gun, the person would be subject to much greater penalties, such as mandatory prison time, than if the damage was done, for example with a hammer.

    1 thru 5 of 14 comments    [ 1 ]  2   3    
    On 05/11/09
    Tiff from Othr said:
    I am from canada currently taking a law course and I do think that you should be of a certain age to use a pellet gun and also there should always be a adult present to make sure your taking the right percaussions.
    On 10/07/07
    John from AZ said:
    Yes airsoft guns are allowed as long as you don't shoot any people that are not playing, If they are even in sight you still cant play (if you are playing the sport.) I hope that helped..
    On 07/06/07
    BillyG from AZ said:
    In Arizona, you can hunt rabbitts with pellet guns! You can also shoot them in your back yard if you have a target and a backstop.
    On 10/21/06
    Alex from AL said:
    In my state you cannot have a paintball or pellet gun with you without an adult.
    On 09/17/06
    Eric from MA said:
    I think it against the law to discharge a fire arm but what about a Bow&Arrow? Or Pellet Gun? Or Can You Use It With Permission On Private Land?
    1 thru 5 of 14 comments    [ 1 ]  2   3    

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