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Speak Up! - View Question #618 |
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Question: Is it illegal to be in a gang?
Answer: It is not specifically illegal to belong to a gang. However, any illegal acts committed as a furtherance of the gang, or as gang activities, is subject to stronger criminal prosecutions.
In other words, you can belong to a gang, but if you commit any crimes as a gang member, you will receive more punishment than if you were not a gang member.
Your school may have specific gang policies too. In most cases, it is against school regulations to exhibit membership in a gang. You should ask your school principal about gang policies at your school or check your school or district policy manual. Specific school policies vary from school-to-school.
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On 11/21/07
anna from NY said:
several of my friends are in gangs and i lost 2 of my friends who got shot to death by the cops
i hate cops who just shoot people FOR NO REASON!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thats why i hate cops anyways because of that im in a gang now and im trying to get out but im scared!!!and im trying to get my friends to do da same thang what do i do please HELP ME
On 12/20/04
nobody from OH said:
im with a gang and that dosent mean i go out and shoot somebody and i have been in fights and they were not becouse of the colors i wear. so just becouse your with a gang it doesnt mean you have to do a crime. what you do is up to you.
On 06/15/04
usuanweems from CT said:
i think being in a gang is trowing your whole life away because you will start doing drugs lying more stealing and maby shoot and kill someone
On 06/07/04
samantha from IL said:
i think being in a gang is a very stubborn idea. i understand most kids do it so they fell as if they fit in. in the end it does nothing but hurt yourself and your loved ones in the long run. when being in a gang you cant walk down the street you live on with out looking over your back every couple minutes. that is a fast way for your name to get a bad rep with the cops and in the long run, you realize that the only peple that will go visit you and send you money is the people who tried to keep yiu out of the gang in the first place
On 05/02/04
Jessica from FL said:
One of my best friends is in a gang. He joined because he was confused at the time, and because his friend is in it. I thought there was no way for him to get out beside getting killed, but i see that a few ppl on here got out of it, and plz, someone tell me how to help him get out. If ne1 can help me, write back on this, and i will give you my email address. PLZ HELP ME HELP HIM!!!
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