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Speak Up! - View Question #112 |
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Question: How do I become emancipated from my step mom and dad (they're married and I live with them)?
Answer: The parents of a minor have a duty to support him or her. When a minor can show that he is able to support himself, he may become an emancipated minor. Whether there are legal formalities depends upon the state in which he lives. In California a minor may get a court to declare him emancipated.
In Arizona there is no statute providing for such a declaration. However, if a minor marries legally, and/or supports himself independently, with no need of support from a parent, he may be treated under the law as emancipated.
However, what this gets him is pretty much just the ability to be sued for debts that he incurs for his own support. It does not appear that it protects him from the efforts of the parent to control him.
Please check the specific statutes or laws in your state for more information.
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On 02/12/04
Josh from GA said:
does any one know how to get emancipated in Ga. Me and my mom fight all the time and i was wondering what all did i have to do to get out of her house
On 02/05/04
Sharell from VA said:
Hey, I am 14, and i live with my mother, I am adopted, so of course she isn't my real mom. i want to get emancipated, i am smart, and I know how to manage money, and right now,i am trying to get a job, and I am going to open my own account. i really want to do it, I have htought about it and I am really sure that this is what I want to do. But i don't know how to go about doing it. On all the websites that I look up, they tell me I must be at least 14 ,and willing ot live seperate form my parents, and manging my own financial affairs, and my money must come from a legal source, Imust be in sch
On 01/31/04
nathaniel from MO said:
i lived with my grandparents my mom payed support to them but i left my grandparents house when i was 14 can i get the money not them they dont give the money to me
On 01/28/04
Dad from MO said:
I am a father of three daughters. My oldest is sixteen and counting the days to move out. I has told me and her mom several times that she wants to move out when she is seventeen. She is a good kid but, she is looking for trouble, i.e. drugs, alcohol, sex, etc. We try talking to her and have given her a loving, caring home. She ran away with a "gothic" boy last summer and admitted to smoking marijuana, drinking, and unprotected sex. She used to do very well in school and had a birght future until she got into this "gothic" phase. I am scared for her and am asking anyone of you young ladies out
On 01/19/04
Nikky from VA said:
I live with my mom and step-dad since my father kicked me out of the house last year when i was 16. I cant take living here anymore. ME and my mom dont see eye to eye anymore and she always thinks that everything I do is wrong. I cant live my own life here. They tell you that the you grow when you learn from your mistakes and here i cant make any mistakes. I cant be a teen almost an adult. Help me find ways to get my self emancipated. I even have a loving and caring family that has told me i can come live with them till I get out of high school.
Nikky R.
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