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Speak Up! - View Question #112 |
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Question: How do I become emancipated from my step mom and dad (they're married and I live with them)?
Answer: The parents of a minor have a duty to support him or her. When a minor can show that he is able to support himself, he may become an emancipated minor. Whether there are legal formalities depends upon the state in which he lives. In California a minor may get a court to declare him emancipated.
In Arizona there is no statute providing for such a declaration. However, if a minor marries legally, and/or supports himself independently, with no need of support from a parent, he may be treated under the law as emancipated.
However, what this gets him is pretty much just the ability to be sued for debts that he incurs for his own support. It does not appear that it protects him from the efforts of the parent to control him.
Please check the specific statutes or laws in your state for more information.
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On 09/24/07
Jordan from WA said:
Hi My name is jordan an I was wondering what kind of things I can do to go live with my mother. Right know I live with my fater and he has and is stilll abusing me physically and verbally. I just was arrested for assulating him and It was completly his fault. I would like to know how I could go live with my mother, and what are my legal options?
On 07/11/07
Sam from MI said:
Im 14 and i live with my dad in michigan for the school time but in the summer time i go and see my mom in californiai really want to live with my mom rather than my dad my dad looks at me for money from child support and dosent really care what i think. we have never really had a home and ive never stayed in the same school all we do is fight and argue. Right now im at my moms and im loving life we havent fought at all and im worryed that since im 14 if i can do anything a letter to the judge or something to get my mom to have full cusidy. IS there something i can do? im really despred =(
On 01/23/07
Lin from AZ said:
I live with my mom and evil stepdad half of the time, and my real dad the other half.
My dad and i dont get along well at all. he looks at me as a financial strain rather than his daughter. i want to live with my mom but i KNOW my dad would fight it. am I legally able to make that choice myself, at 16 years old?
On 09/25/06
kayla from WI said:
My (real) dad is very abusive. He tries to get all us kids to get into fights, when we try to explain that he egged us on my mom WON'T believe us...He's done drugs and is an addict. My mom won't end it and I am affraid for my safety. I'd really like to become an imancipated minor. I have somewhere to live, have a job, and do excellent in school....Do you know how I imancipated?
On 08/16/06
kayla from MI said:
im 17 and i want to move to florida but my mom said not till im 18 i can prove that i can support myself but what else do i have to do?
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