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    Speak Up! - View Question #121

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    Question: Is it true once you become pregnant you are emancipated?

    Answer: You must be sixteen or seventeen-years-old to apply for emancipation. You have to be a resident of Arizona and be able to prove that you can support yourself. The court will give you information about the risks and consequences of being emancipated as well as your rights and obligations as an emancipated minor. You cannot apply for emancipation if you are a ward of the court or in the custody of a state agency. 

    51 thru 55 of 60 comments    ...11 ]  12    
    On 02/03/03
    Stephanie from MI said:
    I agree! If you can get pregnant and if you want to be with the guy or a friend you should be able to move out of your home without all these laws. You need to get out and get a job and support your child. and you souldnt hafe to do it at home. when i was pregnant they said i couldn't move out till i turned 16 years old, and thats not right. i totally agree with you.
    On 10/28/02
    Megan from PA said:
    To whom ever thinks that teenagers who get pregnant are just irresponsible: I'm 4 months pregnant and I am in no way shape or form irresponsible. My fiance and I planned to have a baby because we love each other and we're ready for the next step in our relationship. I know plenty more adults whos lives are messed up because of their irresponsibility. Take my parents for example...lies with held them from ever truly loving each other. And because of those lies, a marriage of 20 years fell apart. So I don't need anyone to be telling me who's responsible and whos not. The only one to judge is god
    On 08/26/02
    Allison from IA said:
    Im a pregnant teen about 5 months along and i cant seem to find any of the answers i need im a cina or child in need of assistance but my mom wants me back in her custody we looked at the emancipation deal and cant seem to find any very clear laws about it.Anyways I just fell that if you are old enough to get pregnant than you are old enough to be on your own.
    On 08/03/02
    Destiny from NM said:
    Oh yea? And what if you and your significant other planned your baby. That sir, is NOT irresponsible. That is planning in advance. What if you have your own place together, that you pay for. You are prepared for an addition to your family, and you want that addition to your family. You must look at the situation from all sides, before you pass judgement.
    On 07/21/02
    Richard from FL said:
    People are on here saying "that is wrong" "this is right". Really? Morality is an undeveloped science. I doubt that more than a handful of people in the world REALLY know what is right and wrong. Before we make decisions about who should and shouldn't do this and that, we need to understand true human value and life's purpose. Then morals. Then laws.
    51 thru 55 of 60 comments    ...11 ]  12    

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