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Speak Up! - View Question #121 |
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Question: Is it true once you become pregnant you are emancipated?
Answer: You must be sixteen or seventeen-years-old to apply for emancipation. You have to be a resident of Arizona and be able to prove that you can support yourself. The court will give you information about the risks and consequences of being emancipated as well as your rights and obligations as an emancipated minor. You cannot apply for emancipation if you are a ward of the court or in the custody of a state agency.
Comments |
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On 02/11/04
Whitney from FL said:
I just wanted to say that just because you are a minor and get pregnant, it does not mean that you are irresponsible. I am only 17, and I am pregnant. I don't feel that I am irresponsible for the simple fact that I did not drop out of school. I graduate in May, and I am also taking a Commercial Art and Graphic Design program and I will be certified in June. My baby is due in August.
I also wanted to point out to all of the people who are saying that getting pregnant when you are a teen is irresponsible, everyone is entitled to their own opinions, but they need to understand that there are ma
On 02/08/04
Kaitey from WI said:
I am currently living with my mom and step-dad and not doing so well. I don't get along with either of them at all, and I can't live with my father because he passed away in 1998. I spend as much time as I can away from home, generally at my 30 yr. old sister's house, but I can't take this much longer. A few days ago my mom told me she was thinking about kicking me out. This shows that she wants me out as much as I want out. I would like to become emancipated, but I don't know how to go about doing it. I wouldn't technically move out alone, I'm planning on moving to Illinois and living w
On 02/05/04
Krysta from MN said:
I am from minnesota and I dont know why you would want to get pregnant. I am pregnant right now and I have morning sickness and it hurts in my abdomen. And topping it all off my Dad wont let me see the babies Dad or let him in the delivery room. So make sure you can take care of yourself first and take care of everything else too.
On 01/25/04
Brandi from TX said:
Hi, im 14 years old and I really want to get out of the house....but the law in texas states that I cant be emancipated untill im 16. But if I wanna leave now I have to be pregnant. I really want kids right now but the thing is that if I get pregnant im afraid that my parents will make me get an abortion or give it up for adoption, or even beat me. Please I really need some help on this im tired of livin under my parents rules and under there roof....I need freedom before I have a nervous breaddown(lol). Thanks so much everyone.
On 01/19/04
lauren from VA said:
i beleive that if you are pregnant and plan on keeping your child that you should be alllowed to get emancipated. basically what the law is saying is that once you get pregnant you are allowed to get married. Well if you plan or being a parent and caring for another human being then you should be allowed to be on your own. i am very in love with my boyfriend and we plan on getting married soon. the only thing is is that my mom is saying that i am too imature to be on my own but really my whole life i have been on my own. My boyfriends mom offered to let us stay at their house but we have to be
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