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    Speak Up! - View Question #121

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    Question: Is it true once you become pregnant you are emancipated?

    Answer: You must be sixteen or seventeen-years-old to apply for emancipation. You have to be a resident of Arizona and be able to prove that you can support yourself. The court will give you information about the risks and consequences of being emancipated as well as your rights and obligations as an emancipated minor. You cannot apply for emancipation if you are a ward of the court or in the custody of a state agency. 

    36 thru 40 of 60 comments    ...  6   7  [ 8 ]  9   10  ...   
    On 01/08/04
    mindtzar from TX said:
    Well... without law and control about pregnancy america would be made more corrupt than it is. Horrible over population and the likes. Your posts are so imature. Refering to god as the decision maker in this bout. There is no god. Its all very sad. Most religions are about control. And most of them work. I dont come frome america and i wish to remain anonymous (my age isnt real either)
    On 01/04/04
    Kailei from AZ said:
    Hi. I may be pregnant, and me and my boyfriend want to get married after i have the baby. Even if Im not pregnant, we still want to get married. I am doubling my classes so I can graduate by the time I am 16. Can I get emancipated then? Please help me find a way I can be. Thanks!
    On 12/29/03
    Amie from IL said:
    Being pregnant is not going to be fun. just think you wont be able to go out with friends unless you hire a babysitter and being in my place i barly have enough money to put gas in my car or pay the bills on my car. so think about what a baby would cost. they are not free, you have to put diapers on their bottoms n later put them thru school. it will be hard.
    On 12/28/03
    chris from CA said:
    Go to the child support division of your local county and tell them you moved out from your mothers house and that you do not live with her and to have them foward the money to you, or have your father go to court and get the money stopped altogether, especially if she treats you the way you do, if anything your father will have to spend less and can give you more, especially starting off a young life with a boyfriend, I am sure, unlike your mother you actually care about college and being something in life, it it YOUR money
    On 12/19/03
    Crystal from FL said:
    Hi my name is Crystal, im 15 years old. I want to become emancipated to marry my boyfriend. i think i might be pregnant with his child at the present moment. I live in florida and i wanted to know if i can get married without my mothers consent and have his child?!?
    36 thru 40 of 60 comments    ...  6   7  [ 8 ]  9   10  ...   

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