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Speak Up! - View Question #121 |
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Question: Is it true once you become pregnant you are emancipated?
Answer: You must be sixteen or seventeen-years-old to apply for emancipation. You have to be a resident of Arizona and be able to prove that you can support yourself. The court will give you information about the risks and consequences of being emancipated as well as your rights and obligations as an emancipated minor. You cannot apply for emancipation if you are a ward of the court or in the custody of a state agency.
Comments |
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On 08/07/08
from AZ said:
If i am not with my babies father, I am able to support my child on my own, and I am going to school, could i move out of my parents house and live with a friend.... My child is 10 months old and i am 17..
On 12/20/07
Teyana from MS said:
Its a good thing i just turnes 16 and had my son. Cuz now i'm 100% ready to move out my mom house. And all i got to do is get a job, and i'll be okay and on my own. just me, my son, and my man!!!
On 06/01/07
chenta from CA said:
I have a friend who left her house becuase she was tired of her mom being so annoying. she is moving to her exboyfriends house. the guy sells drugs. She has no idea in the truoble she is getting into. I try helping her but she doesn't listen. what can i tell her that will make her understand????
On 02/13/07
christina from AZ said:
I can't stand living at home. My parents don't treat me like they treat my brother with respect and undrstanging. I can't stand it anymore. My dad is always in my face, my mom is trying to get him to understand what is going on, but then he starts to blame for the for fact that they are starting to grow apart and I to blame. I want to be emanicipated but I don't know how to deal with it with my parents.
On 06/14/06
janielle from FL said:
im 17 and i have a 2 month old child. my parents dont want me to get emancipated but i do because my parents think that my baby is theirs and shes not and im sick of it. what do i have to do to get emancipated!!
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