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    Speak Up! - View Question #17589

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    Question: If I got busted with weed what the worse that could happen?


    If you are prosecuted in juvenile court, you can be placed on probation or sent to the Department of Juvenile Corrections up to your 18th birthday, and your driver's license would be suspended until your 18th birthday. It can leave a felony on your record, which may affect your later ability to get scholarships, federal benefits like welfare or public housing assistance, or jobs requiring security clearance. The military also has strict rules about accepting candidates with drug histories. You may be unable to enlist unless the branch you select thinks enough time has passed that you are no longer high risk to abuse substances again.

    If you are prosecuted as an adult, the court must place you on probation and require that you attend substance abuse counseling. It can leave you with a felony record, which has many of the same consequences as those listed above. If you reject probation, you can be required to serve time.

    6 thru 10 of 47 comments     1  [ 2 ]  3   4   5  ...   
    On 01/09/08
    b.rad from AZ said:
    ha... sorry jeff... but were you driving? cuz if you were he undoubtetly knows your address from running your liscense
    On 12/28/07
    steven from AZ said:
    i just got busted for weed at school. i went to juvie and everything and we got the letter from the county and it states that we need to get interviewed by a p.o. and what will actually happen to me?
    On 12/06/07
    Jeff from AZ said:
    I was recently charged w/ possesion and paraphelia. Only the cop never wrote me a ticket or had me sign anything acknowledging what I'm being charged with. So no paper work given to me. He said my court date would come in the mail, was the officer trying to scare me?
    On 10/01/07
    Tina from PA said:
    my friends boyfriend got caught with weed in school and now he's injuvie how long will he stay?
    On 07/15/07
    steve from MD said:
    i came here to look for advice. why does everyone insist on how bad weed is? everyone complains weed ruined my life. heres a fact, It doesn't lol, you ruined your lives by the way you live them(dropping out of school, dead-end life....) the people that say weed is bad is because they needed a reason or excuse for their misrible life. Legalize weed! <===="so thats why the prisons are full and we cant fit the rapist and killers, hmmmmm, wounder why?
    6 thru 10 of 47 comments     1  [ 2 ]  3   4   5  ...   

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