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    Speak Up! - View Question #17616

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    Question: If you are in a gang what happens if you tell a police officer?


    If you admit to an officer that you are in a gang, your name will be entered into a database for known gang members. The issue may not affect you right away. However, if you are later convicted of a felony offense related to the gang membership, your punishment for that offense would be much more harsh than the sentence imposed on a non-gang defendant.

    Most first-offense convictions are eligible for probation unless the offense is particularly dangerous. If you are a gang member, even first offenses are not eligible for probation, 3 years is added to the normal term of imprisonment, and you must serve the entire sentence. There is no possibility of early release for good behavior. (ARS 13-604(T)).

    A person who is convicted of committing any felony offense with the intent to promote, further or assist any criminal conduct by a criminal street gang is not eligible for suspension of sentence, probation, pardon or release from confinement on any basis (except as authorized by section ARS 31-233) until the sentence imposed by the court has been served, the person is eligible for release (ARS 41-1604.07) or the sentence is commuted. The presumptive, minimum and maximum sentence for the offense shall be increased by three years. The additional sentence imposed is in addition to any enhanced sentence that may be applicable.

    1 thru 5 of 13 comments    [ 1 ]  2   3    
    On 04/10/09
    Court from IN said:
    just because your in a gang doesnt mean tht you get in trouble and yu tag up everything! yu are doing whts needed to be done! PROTECT YUR OWN, NO one else will do it for yu... ps; most cops are corrupt.
    On 02/05/09
    from AZ said:
    Being in a gang usually isn't that much of a choice. And once you're in, it's incredibly difficult to get out.
    On 08/26/08
    from AL said:
    being in a gang is peolpes life styles an its there choice
    On 05/07/08
    JT from TN said:
    Hey if you are in a gang you need to get out of it soon you could get hurt bad
    On 04/16/08
    Elly from AK said:
    Why can they give you more punishment. That is unfair. If you are a part of a gang than that is your life it doesnt mean you are in it to protect your own.
    1 thru 5 of 13 comments    [ 1 ]  2   3    

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