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    Speak Up! - View Question #18219

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    Question: I am 17 and I live with my mom and dad but I hate it here. They never help me or any of my sisters they are lazy. I mean I hate it here. I have a place I could go and live but I don't think my parents would let me move out and live with someone else. Is there any way to get around that? I don't want to get them in trouble I just HATE it here. Thanks!

    Answer: Most adolescents hate living with their parents. Unfortunately, just because you hate it there doesn't mean you get to leave. There are laws recently passed on emancipation. Check the lawforkids section on this topic.

    6 thru 8 of 8 comments     1  [ 2 ]   
    On 03/08/07
    Daja from GA said:
    I am 17 I have a daughter and I can take care of us by myself and am willing to do whatever it takes for us to have a good life. My mom drinks all of the time,I was molested by her ex-boyfriend. I do everything in the house but pay bills and im a full time student and still make good grades. I have been verbally abused and hit all my life I just want to stay out of trouble and stay away from them can I leave without her permission?
    On 01/18/07
    Lindsey from AZ said:
    I am 17, 4 months away from being 18. I live with my mom and sister. They both have a baby under a year old. Neither one of them work. I pay all the bills by working full time, and also going to school full time. I don't want to support them anymore. I have a place for myself, but no one to sign for me to get in. By the time I file emancipation, I'll be old enough. But I can't wait that long. Should I run away?
    On 09/22/06
    amanda from NY said:
    Stick it out until your 18, I know it seems like forever but your sisters need you too!! Once you leave your relationship with your parents will be MUCH better!! When I lived with my parents we faught like crazy so i left right after I graduated from high school. And I havent lived with them since, but I miss them like crazy and we are closer the ever!!
    6 thru 8 of 8 comments     1  [ 2 ]   

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