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  • I have a questions for you. Since i'm emancipated do I still have to have my parent sign for me to get a tatoo in arizona. And if not would i have to bring the emancipation papers with me to get a tatoo.thanx for answering all my questions.

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    Speak Up! - View Question #18499

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    Question: What do I have to show the judge if I want to be emancipated?

    Answer: At the hearing it is your responsibility to convince the judge that it is in your best interests to be emancipated. The court will consider the following:

    • your wishes and your parents’ opinion regarding emancipation
    • your financial situation and whether you are independent from your parents – proof of employment or other means of support, including housing and health care
    • your education and success at school
    • whether you have a criminal record
    • whether you understand the risks of emancipation

    You must also show that you have either been living on your own for three consecutive months, or why living at home is not a healthy or safe environment, or provide written consent for emancipation from your parents or guardian.

    1 thru 5 of 33 comments    [ 1 ]  2   3   4   5  ...   
    On 05/06/09
    DANISH from CA said:
    my name is danisha and im 16years old w. a baby on da way and i wanta move out ma moms house 2 live with ma babydaddy because im juss tired of argin w. her she tawks about takin ma baby and she told ma babydaddy she will let him c da baby when she want 2 so i wanta get emancipated
    On 04/01/09
    Mercy from WV said:
    My father is wanting to move to Florida with my alcoholic grandfather and I would like to stay here in west virginia to finish high school. I have a place to stay but my parents would not agree and i also have a job. Do you think i could be Emancipated?
    On 11/18/08
    rosea from AL said:
    my dad use drugs and drinks my mom drinks all she cares about is my middle sister and my dad hits my mom it suck. my dad friend came over and she did coke and she came over with knifes so there is no way am staying there when i get a job am going to wait till oct i can pull it out for 11 more moths but really i know it suck i cry all the time cuz i cant leave yet.no one should be put throw all of this.
    On 10/14/08
    Tati from NY said:
    Hey every1 my name is Tatiana i have a bit of a problem i would like to share i am 14 and i have such a hard life when i was little. My parents was involved with drugs but enough of that. I am aware of what i need to be emancipated. This is my emancipation. Dear Judge My name is Tatiyana I have been through much when i was little and you already know about it all. I now have reached 16. I am not so happy living at my fathers house.I dont always find it a safe enviorment eatheir. My wishes for this emacipation is this That i can move out and stay with my grandmother.I am certain for risk & more
    On 06/17/08
    Chase from UT said:
    I am 15, turning 16 here in a few months. I have one real sister, and 10 step siblings. I am gay, and all of my relatives have hated me since the day i came out. I have 2 jobs and go to school. I have been wanting to divorce my parents for some time now, but i don't think i could pull it off. And please people, don't come in here and bash people because they want to divorce their parents. You don't know what goes on in their lives so just back off.
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