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    Speak Up! - View Question #18501

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    Question: What if my parents don't want me to be emancipated?

    Answer: If your parents or guardian object the court may send all of you to mediation where you may work out a solution. If you don’t reach an agreement the judge will decide whether to emancipate you or not based on what is in your best interests.

    6 thru 10 of 36 comments     1  [ 2 ]  3   4   5  ...   
    On 11/20/07
    Tasha from TX said:

    i hate living with my parents they treat me like im 10 my 14 year old brother can stay out as late as he wants but i cant because im a girl, thats not the only reason why i dont want to live with my parents we cant get along at all their is a whole story on why i dont and no longer can live with them how do i get emancipated?

    On 11/19/07
    Elli from AZ said:
    ok. i am tired of living with my mom. there is a whole huge stary as to why i shouldnt live with her, and why i dont want to. i seriously need out!!!! my boyfriend's mom said she would take custody of me. and i would sooo much rather live with them. is there any legal way i can move out of my mom's?
    On 11/08/07
    from MI said:
    ok heres the thing people i want to emancipate my parents because i want to go n live with my boyfriend n his mom i cant take it here n more there is too much dram i dont ever talk to my real mother n its not that i dont get along with my step mom or dad its just that i want to be with my boyfriend and im sick n tired of not being able to be with him help me out here please
    On 08/26/07
    buddy from CA said:
    I dont understand people who think they can have children. dont they know that they are responsible for 18 years of there childrens life. whyyyyyyyy. anyway i just keep getting tossed around just like my parents moods. if there not happy then they will find a way to put it on me. when my dad has trouble at work and gets a few days cut im the one being punished. im treated like a stupid dog. when really i should be treated like a growing child. any guidance i have gotten has been from myself for the past 3 years. dads no where in my heart and theres no reason for him to be,
    On 07/01/07
    Lisa from CA said:
    I want to move back with my aunt.I cant stand living with my mom and her boyfriend.She always leave my incharged to raise my younger sister and her boyfirneds an alcohalic who is always threating my mom. My dad has just gotten out of jail.Hes recovering from crystal meth. He just left my mom and hes been an addict for 15 yrs. He is living with his parents at the moment.I dont mind living with him..but im afraid he might go back to meth.My aunt and unlce said they would take me if they get paid monthy.My parents dont want me to go because it would be taking money out of there pay check.
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